Fitness Ridge, A More Compassionate Booty-Kicking Camp, Part I :: Ivins, Utah

Fitness Ridge, A More Compassionate Booty-Kicking Camp, Part I :: Ivins, Utah

Part One The team at Fitness Ridge Resort and Spa really know their business. They helped me firm up, de-fluff around the mid-section, drop some of those pesky too many cocktails and trying new restaurants pounds, and lose almost 5 % body fat while having … TONS of FUN!!! When I invited my NYC sis…

Feel Like a Sommelier While Tasting These Specials :: Wine Tasting, Food & Fun, San Francisco

Just returned home from a fantastic couple of weeks eating my way thru Morocco—will write up my culinary adventures soon, but for now, I’m just trying to stay awake and plow through my email invites…. Oh-here’s a GREAT one that I didn’t miss- and you won’t want to either if you like discovering boutique wines…

The Perfect Thanksgiving, Chanukah or Xmas Hostess Gift :: St. Germain Delice De Sureau

The Perfect Thanksgiving, Chanukah or Xmas Hostess Gift :: St. Germain Delice De Sureau

Sometimes Thanksgiving is a relaxed potluck affair, and sometimes the host/ess is a control freak who wants to do it all by herself. Either way, I have the perfect gift suggestion that will guarantee you’ll be graciously offered plenty of leftovers to take home. I’m having a complete love affair with St-Germain, Delice De Sureau…

Except for the Color Purple, this so works for me!

Yotel :: The iPod of the Hotel Industry, London Opening early next month at Heathrow, following a successful debut at London’s Gatwick airport, Yotel offers a new first-class layover option. Conveniently located right in the terminal, the Japanese-style Yotel gives you all the perks of an upscale hotel in a teeny little package, with a…

Global Greening: Lessons from Abroad

Hey, Divas! Be sure to check out the special year-end issue of Glimpse Quarterly, "Global Greening: Lessons from Abroad," which offers a compelling look at how the rest of the world is responding to increasing environmental threats through the eyes of our student and young adult correspondents Check out the PDF at this link:…

Fit for Platinum Card Holders, But Democratically Available to All:: Las Vegas

My sister blew in from New York for a week-end together in Las Vegas, en-route to our week’s stay at the new Fitness Ridge Resort and Spa,aka: the Compassionate Boot-Camp, in Utah. (Watch for upcoming story.) We checked into our digs for the night, a place I stumbled across on the internet, The Platinum Hotel…