San Francisco Oddball Events

San Francisco Oddball Events

Every San Francisco tourist brochure sends visitors to Fisherman’s Wharf and Chinatown. Yawn. Instead, you could be marching in the Saint Stupid’s Day Parade or whacking strangers in a giant pillow fight. Highlighted here are five events mostly unknown to locals, sure to provide laughs and photo-ops galore.  Perhaps you hate that holiday celebrating happy…

CBD Gifts

CBD Gifts

Looking for a unique gift for the gals? You may have noticed all those ads for CBD products. Rest assured . . . CBD is completely legal in all 50 states and some countries. So what is CBD? CBD is short for cannabidiol, a part of the cannabis (marijuana) plant. There are several varieties of…

fitness, debra weier, kona, hawaii, swimming,triathlon, ironman,
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Kona, Hawai’i Ironman Triathlon

Feeling fit and looking for a challenge, or need some inspiration to show up at the gym? We followed elite athlete Debra Weier from Princeton, New Jersey as she pushed herself to her physical limits in beautiful Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, during the 2019 Vega Ironman World Championship. What’s it like to swim 2 miles, bike 100 miles…

This Old Bag: The Power of the Purse
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This Old Bag: The Power of the Purse

Bid on designer bags and your money goes to the Breast Cancer Emergency Fund. Win Win! And not just any designer bag, we’re talking donations from Sharon Stone (limited-edition Dior), Ann Getty (Hermes Birkin), Rev. Cecil Williams (Levis), Minnie Driver (Gianni Versace), Dede Wilsey (Chanel), Robert Downey Jr (Liberto Ferrero), and Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Proenza Schuler)….

The Great Hack, film review, documentary, social media, Cambridge Analytica, Facebook,
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The Great Hack: film review

Is your cell phone spying on you? How about the ATM, your smart TV, your private messages on Facebook, every card swipe, computer keystroke, and emoji? Be afraid, be very afraid. Data is now the world’s biggest commodity, surpassing oil. The Great Hack, a Netflix original, reveals how our data is bought and sold without…

like a prayer, documentary, madonna fans, Aldo Diaz,
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Like a Prayer: Film Review

Have you ever been to a low budget wedding where they forgo the professional photographer in favor of cell phone paparazzi?  Seems anyone can wave a camera phone around and call themselves an artist. That doesn’t make the results worthy of the big screen. Like a Prayer should never have made it past YouTube.  A…

film, doc, Freddie Burretti, designer, costumes, david bowie,
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STARMAN – Freddie Burretti the Man Who Sewed the World: film review

A young lad named Freddie Burretti met rising star David Bowie at a London club, and soon afterward became the collaborator and creator of the Ziggy Stardust persona. Burretti’s otherworldly gender-bending costumes were way ahead of their time amid the homophobia of the 1970s. What a fantastic career he had. I wish I could say…