Inspiration: Passion Lives Here! Tornino 2006 Olympics Opening Ceremony

Inspiration: Passion Lives Here! Tornino 2006 Olympics Opening Ceremony

I had the fortune of actually being at the Olympic Stadium to assist with the Opening Ceremony, and after a few seconds all my pre-Olympic scepticism about Torino’s adequacy disappeared. That night all of Italy was proud of Torino and most of all the Torinesi, who reveled in the chance to show their city to…

Culture: Italy: Olympics Diva Gives Torino Shopping a Ten

Culture: Italy: Olympics Diva Gives Torino Shopping a Ten

by Anna Irrera Hello there!!! I hope you decided to keep reading about Turin since, as I promised in my first article, this one would be more fun and especially more scrumptious! Personally I think a city cannot be considered fantastic if its shopping situation is not that great… No, I’m just kidding, but still,…