The Great Hack, film review, documentary, social media, Cambridge Analytica, Facebook,
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The Great Hack: film review

Is your cell phone spying on you? How about the ATM, your smart TV, your private messages on Facebook, every card swipe, computer keystroke, and emoji? Be afraid, be very afraid. Data is now the world’s biggest commodity, surpassing oil. The Great Hack, a Netflix original, reveals how our data is bought and sold without…

Happy Hour:  Polish & Pamper with Nature-Inspired Scrubs

Happy Hour: Polish & Pamper with Nature-Inspired Scrubs

A decade has passed since FarmHouse Fresh founder, Shannon McLinden, wowed the world with her uniquely crafted sea salt scrub trio. Making Oprah’s coveted O-list helped the company soar to new heights. FarmHouse Fresh brings beneficial nutrients from fruit, vegetables and milk to life through skincare. Core ingredients are harvested from the company’s home, an…