Pretty as a Princess for the Holidays with Pür Minerals

Pretty as a Princess for the Holidays with Pür Minerals

The Cinderella Palette makes the perfect stocking-stuffer gift this holiday season. Inspired by the Disney Classic, divas of all ages will delight in this beautiful, limited edition compact collection. The fanciful feminine golden box holds a treasure chest of creative wizardry. For only $29, you can get the makings for a magical makeover –  4…

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Five Day Travel Cure

SHAKE IT UP: Staycations are so last year. There are tons of unique travel opportunities offering quality time with yourself or your BFFs. TIME + WISH-LIST ÷ MONEY = LOCATION: assembles small classes for people who would prefer creative learning in a Mexican hacienda instead of the local YMCA. (Not that there’s anything wrong…