Madrid Fashion Week

Madrid Fashion Week

By Lindsey Ford As New York, London and Milan attract fashion-conscious moguls from around the world this month, Madrid’s own Cibeles Fashion Week, which ended on Wednesday, showcased the very best of Spanish designers. The Spanish fashion industry is beginning to gain major traction on the world stage, with designers such as Adolfo Dominguez, Victorio…

SF: Yippee, it’s almost time for the Table Hop and Taste

SF: Yippee, it’s almost time for the Table Hop and Taste

Courtesy of DIFFA San Francisco’s freezing summer is finally finished which means it’s almost time for the Table Hop and Taste, one of my fave charitable events of the year. For the last decade DINING BY DESIGN, presented by DIFFA: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS, has produced this top-notch charitable event for uninsured HIV/AIDS patients,…

Marin: White Soiree

Marin: White Soiree

Hey Divas, Saturday night there is a super important event for the American Cancer Society in Marin. LIVE Jazz, Savory, h’orderves Wonderful Sonoma Wines, Fabulous Silent Auction items! wearing your favorite White cocktail attire …This will be a great event! What a good cause to sip wine and wish good fortune to those that have…