Culture: Going Native: (THERE MUST BE) 20 Ways To Leave Your Bus Tour

Culture: Going Native: (THERE MUST BE) 20 Ways To Leave Your Bus Tour

by Margaret Melaney Here you are on the grand adventure of your life, just you and 25 strangers packed into a bus which never seems to stop except for bathroom breaks on the motorway. You only have a few more days, and you have GOT to salvage this trip. You take destiny by the hand…

Culture: Madison, Wisconsin: Summer in Madison, Go Big or Go Home

Culture: Madison, Wisconsin: Summer in Madison, Go Big or Go Home

by Abbey Laufenberg When the sun appears after weeks of hiding, the snow covered ground is melted away to reveal lost lush green grass, and the birds have returned from their winter vacation, I know summer is just around the corner. Living in a place known for their cheese and frozen tundra, there has to…

Inspiration: Mexico: Listless in Ek Balam

Inspiration: Mexico: Listless in Ek Balam

by by Jennifer Anthony Everyone loves a vacation. But for list lovers (aka Listlubbers) such as myself, it is bliss, a chance to indulge my love and slightly manic preoccupation of constructing: • Catalogs; • Inventories; • Records; • Registers; • Rolls; • Files; • Indexes; • Directories; • Listings; • Checklists; and/or • Enumerations….

Inspiration: One Cup of Sugar, Several Chords of Classical Music Creates Elizabeth Podsiadlo, San Diego’s Opera Singing Chef

Inspiration: One Cup of Sugar, Several Chords of Classical Music Creates Elizabeth Podsiadlo, San Diego’s Opera Singing Chef

by Alexa Trotta Elizabeth Podsiadlo is busy coloring. She’s helping her eight-year-old daughter with a school project, but that doesn’t mean she’s unavailable for a quick chat. Podsiadlo is good at multi-tasking and as of now this opera singing chef’s plate is quite full. Her annual music program, “Slow Growth” just wrapped up which featured…

Inspiration: The 50-Plus Triathlete (or, I may be slow, but I’m not last)

Inspiration: The 50-Plus Triathlete (or, I may be slow, but I’m not last)

by Mary Leigh Burke I never used to be much of an athlete. My current co-workers would be shocked to hear me say that – since I’m now known as the office athletic fanatic. I spent most of my life existing only from the neck up. Back home in Grand Island, NY, outside of Buffalo,…