Except for the Color Purple, this so works for me!

Yotel :: The iPod of the Hotel Industry, London Opening early next month at Heathrow, following a successful debut at London’s Gatwick airport, Yotel offers a new first-class layover option. Conveniently located right in the terminal, the Japanese-style Yotel gives you all the perks of an upscale hotel in a teeny little package, with a…

Global Greening: Lessons from Abroad

Hey, Divas! Be sure to check out the special year-end issue of Glimpse Quarterly, "Global Greening: Lessons from Abroad," which offers a compelling look at how the rest of the world is responding to increasing environmental threats through the eyes of our student and young adult correspondents Check out the PDF at this link: http://glimpsefoundation.org/downloads/issues/winter2007/Issue.pdf…

Fit for Platinum Card Holders, But Democratically Available to All:: Las Vegas

Fit for Platinum Card Holders, But Democratically Available to All:: Las Vegas

My sister blew in from New York for a week-end together in Las Vegas, en-route to our upcoming week’s stay at a new fitness resort, aka: the Compassionate Boot-Camp, in Utah. We checked into our digs for the night, a place I stumbled across on the internet, The Platinum Hotel & Spa. Sis was totally…

Destination Review: Mexico: Adventures In Baja California Sur

Destination Review: Mexico: Adventures In Baja California Sur

The rising sun brings hope to lizards darting into naturally designed angles of sunlight, to rest a moment, before continuing to search for tasty tidbits. Their playground, an area called Baja California Sur, is the perfect marriage between desert and ocean. Harmony blooms from the cactus standing proudly at attention watching as the fishing boats…

Wellness: A “Tahitian Princess” Rainbow

Wellness: A “Tahitian Princess” Rainbow

by Sharon Spence Lieb Offshore Bora Bora’s jagged peaks, the frenzy begins. Black tipped reef sharks circle a brave group of snorkelers. Thirty stingrays undulate around our legs, hungry for fresh sardines our guide tosses them. Overhead, two massive black frigate birds dive for leftovers.Just another exotic morning for “Tahitian Princess” cruise passengers who signed…

Wellness: Bali: Spa Those January Blues Away

Wellness: Bali: Spa Those January Blues Away

by Janice Nieder, Dining Diva I don’t know about you, but I really can’t stand January. All those depressing “has-been” Christmas trees littering the sidewalks, that pervasive feeling of guilt that comes from having already broken most, if not all, of your New Year’s resolutions, and the only thing left from all that holiday cheer…