Looking to shed a few inches but don’t even have time to schedule a shot of wheat grass let alone hours at the gym? Fear not, the Diet Doctor is IN! Dr. Melina Jampolis wrote her book with you in mind, Busy Diva. It’s called, “The No-Time-to-Lose Diet,” and it’s all about losing weight by using forskolin extract supplements for weight loss without trimming your day planner.
Nutrition is Melina’s passion, and this FitTV regular is the answer to the problems of real women of the world. Feel guilt-free about checking her website, Dr.Melina.com.
Enjoy an evening with Dr. Melina in person at Tango Diva’s January Literary Salon.
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Visionary Diva Questions:
1. What was the best decision you made in your life?
To finish medical school and residency. I wanted to quit every year but various people convinced me not to and I’m so glad I listened to them and my gut!
2. What is your most memorable travel moment?
Having a party at the top of a mountain in the south of Spain (Costa del Sol) with fellow travellers that I met along the way
3. What was the worst travel experience you had?
Being attacked in the red light district in Amsterdam
4. What have you learned about yourself through traveling?
I’ve learned that I can get too caught up in the daily drama of my life and need to focus more on the big picture and how many wonderful things the world has to offer.
5. If you could choose your ultimate travel companion, living or dead, real or imaginary, who would it be?
Probably my friend Tim as he has an incredible sense of adventure and joie de vivre; but Oprah would be a close second…
6. What moment in your life did you feel the most alive?
On an incredibly romantic date last year which consisted of driving down the coastal highway in a convertible on an impossibly sunny day with a man who I thought was my soulmate (but turned out not to be sadly)
7. If money and time were no object, where on earth would you go?
I would probably spend a couple of months in Buenos Aires and perhaps from there travel throughout South America.
8. Who is your hero?
Hmmmm…this is a tough one. I think it would have to be a patient that I had during my training that was born with no arms or legs but managed to build an incredibly rich life for himself and always has a smile on his face.
9. Name a place in the world that you know a lot about and would make a great resource for our Divas. Tell us about it.
I’m not sure how much is a lot but I spent a lovely holiday in Provence last summer with a sommelier that I met. We visited some of the most incredible villages including Les-Baux-de-Provence, Seguret (a must see—the quaintest mountainside village I have ever seen), and Gorges (which has an incredible mountain top hotel and spa with the most spectular pool overlooking the valley).
We also visited the legendary wine town of Chateau-Neuf-du-Papes and tasted some incredible wines in the local wine shops. If you are lucky enough to befriend a local sommelier, you can visit some of the local wineries and hang out with the winemakers and spend an afternoon chit-chatting and tasting some incredible wines.
10. And finally a word from our Featured Diva, you in your own words, give us a stirring, Diva-worthy battle cry for women everywhere to hear!
Knowledge is Power—never stop learning and exploring and you will live a rich life no matter what your bank account may say!