TODAY is Tango Diva’s Erotic Literary Salon and Charity Shopping Bazaar! Mark your calendars; cancel your dates! And listen to my radio interview for more information. I spilled all the sexy beans on a recent Benefit magazine Radio program on 960 am, the Quake. Because we at Tango Diva definitely plan to shake things up at our big event! Sex, chocolate and shopping: what more could a Diva want?
Listen here to my big interview (woo hoo!!):
<embed src="" autostart=true hidden=true>.
(I know, yadayadayada, lots of weird html code thingies, but it’s my first audio file embed-ment, and so you’ll have to indulge my ignorance. Of course usually I don’t embed with my files till they’ve taken me to dinner first, but seriously how cool is it that you can just click and listen?)