Hilside Another discovery at the Appel & Frank Fashon fete! I love these waterproof pouches – made and lined with vintage patterned oilcloth crafted by Hilary Wehlitz of Hillside Bags. They remind me of my aunt Rosie. She wore colorful mumus everyday, and thongs with big plastic daisys at the toes. Trudging home from school we were met at the door by our stern but colorful aunt offering a yellow ceramic bowl of freshly sliced california oranges. But I digress.

These fresh ditty bags come in all sizes and start at $12.oo and up to $36. There is a pattern for everyone. Don’t let my musings about mumus distract you. You can Hilside bagsfind them at selected boutiques around the Bay Area including Body Time, Burton’s Pharmacy, Arch, Emily Lee, National Product and Folio. Hilside Bags by Hilary

Who votes we carry these in the Tango Diva Boutique?