Prepare your palate for a gastronomic delight by getting tickets for the 6th annual San Diego Bay Food and Wine Festival. Sip varietals from over 170 world-class wineries and sample dishes from 70 fine-dining establishments. Practice the art of swirling your glass by stopping at a wine-tasting seminar or sign up for a cooking class taught by an award-winning chef.

Mark your calendar for the list of featured activities:

November 18 – Don a party dress and fill your glass at the posh WineRave
W Hotel, $ 45 in advance, $60 at the door.

November 19 & 20 – Think you have what it takes to create a culinary masterpiece? Get the scoop on some of the best recipes by signing up for wine tasting and cooking classes hosted by nationally-acclaimed chefs and award-winning winemakers.
Macy’s School of Cooking and the San Diego Wine and Culinary Center, $45-$85

November 20 Find your inner wine connoisseur at the Master Sommelier Reserve Tasting, an exclusive evening for all those with a palate for only the finest varietals, featuring 160 different wineries.
Wonderhaus Building, $100 in advance, $125 at the door.

November 21 Partake in the Grand Event where you will sip and sample the day away, while meeting some of your favorite chefs, listening to live music and mingling with the food savvy of San Diego.
Embarcadero Park North, $125-$175

November 22 – Enjoy the Celebrity Luncheon and AIWF Big Bottle Live Auction that features 15 celebrity winemakers and a world-class menu prepared by nationally renowned chefs.
San Diego Marriot Hotel and Marina, prices start at $150.

What: San Diego Bay Food and Wine Festival
When: November 18 – 22, 2009
Where: W Hotel, Macy’s School of Cooking, San Diego Wine and Culinary Center, Wonderhuas Building, Embarcadero Park North, San Diego Marriot Hotel and Marina.
Price: $45-$175

The event benefits the American Institute of Wine & Food culinary arts scholarship program.