This is it kids. My adventure is coming to a quick end. I’ll be sharing more of my stories with you over the next few weeks.

Thanks for joining me. If I get a chance, I’ll blog when I get to London. If not, you’ll hear from me when I’m back home.

Tonight, I had a lovely evening with Marta from the Four Seasons. Our dinner was fantastic and afterwards, we headed over to a favorite drinking spot for the locals. Now, it’s 1 am and I need to pack up and get to sleep. I want to get up early, so I can get some decent touring in before I head to the airport, and back to London at 2 pm tommorow. I’ll head over to the castle, and Marta is taking me out to Statue Park. It’s a park littered with statues from the Commies. Marta was around during the Communist years, and did you know that English was the enemy language! And capitalism was from the devil?!