America’s Luggage Depot in downtown Petaluma is offering an exclusive service for travelers — luggage rentals.  Reservations are for high quality luggage pieces. The ultimate goal is a better travel experience, with no more fussing with inexpensive luggage and its inherent problems. Benefits include not having to borrow luggage from friends (done that), store space gobbling luggage or use (heven forbid) old bags. Instead always carry stylish, dependable and up-to-date luggage. Diva’s who fall in love with the luggage they rent and have to have one of their one can purchase the same brand new bag with a portion of their rental agreement put towards the new purchase.  According to America’s Luggage Depot, the new service is a unique first-of-its-kind nation-wide, and patent pending venture.  For more information, stop by the  store at 9 Petaluma Blvd. N.. California or visit Rentals are available from Tuesday through Sunday,  11 a.m. to 5 p.m., or by appointment. Special accommodations are also available. The phone number is 778-8388.